Optimized Water for Health (more than just filtered water)

Simon Wasserman, CEO of Python, May 21, 2024


As you may know, the water we buy from the local supermarket, out of the tap, shower, bath, is not optimal for our health. We use it daily to drink, wash our face, brush our teeth, make our coffee and cook our soups without paying serious attention to the quality of water we are drinking, which exposes us to a large amount of contaminants such as pesticides, arsenic, fluoride, antibiotics, chlorine, microplastics, estrogenic activity (EA) hormones and more.

This is true for not just tap water, but for most bottled waters as well, hence the popularity in reverse osmosis (RO), Ultrafiltration, Nano filtration, and Micro filtration systems. Old and outdated water treatment plants with rusty elongated pipe architecture further exacerbate the issue. 56% of Americans today are concerned with what comes out of their tap and almost 10% of Americans drink only tap water as their primary drinking water. 8 out of 10 Americans prefer their bottled water to be made out of plastics and approximately 64% of the bottled water sold in the United States is actually sourced from municipal tap water, based on the top 10 U.S. domestic bottled water brands. 

In a nutshell, most Americans are drinking repurposed municipal tab water stored in plastic bottles damaging their health daily, while bottled water companies are not required to disclose their water sources, treatment methods, or contaminant testing results. This is concerning.


Let’s see how this can be improved.

In Japan water optimization products have been developed since the beginning of 1900, more than 100 years ago, and became more popular in the 60s, because the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan ‘admitted’ because of overwhelming scientific evidence that electrically reduced water (ERW) was effective for chronic diarrhea, indigestion, abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation, antacid, hyperacidity, among many other things.

Today, a person living in Japan gets on average 10 to 15 years older than a person living in America, about one generation since the nationwide inspection of ERW water in Japan.

The overarching vision at Python is to make the water we drink as healthy as possible. The Python Bionic Hydrogen Generator, transforms any water into low redox potential, hydrogen and electron enriched, pH alkaline water. This water is significantly different from solely filtered or mineralized water alone. In literature it is often called hydrogen rich water (HRW), or electrically enriched water (ERW), ionized alkaline water, and sometimes electrically expanded water (Gerald H. Pollack).

There are three essential measurements for evaluating the quality of the food we eat and the water we drink:

  1. The redox potential (electron count)
  2. Conductivity
  3. pH (potentia hydrogenii)


ERW water produced by our Python Bionic Generator has an alkaline pH, is hydrogen molecule-rich, and has a negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) with (ROS)-scavenging activity mimicking naturally reduced waters (NRW), usually found only at sources such as Hita Tenryosui water in Japan, Nordenau water in Germany, Lourdes water in France, Hunza lake region in Pakistan, and high elevation glacial melt waters in Tibet and other parts of the Himalayas, which also exhibited ROS-scavenging activities, enriched hydrogen content, and a electron surplus, all things that energize, harmonize and nurture our cells for optimal function. Only cells with an electron surplus, meaning a negative mV or V potential can process nutrients in the first place and a slight variation in the negative potential can completely disable the ability of our cell to process nutrients in the first place and lead to cell death.

What are the parameters of ‘activated or ‘reduced’ water:

  • pH = 8-11
  • Negative Potential = -400 to -800 mV (rich in electrons)

A negative potential is logically for reduced activated water, since electrons inherent have a negative charge e-. Further, pH has a direct effect on the surplus of oxygen available in fluids we consume:





Surplus Oxygen

Coca Cola


3,162 x 10^22

3,162 x 10^13

-158,000 x 10^20



1,995 x 10^20

5,012 x 10^15

-1,000 x 10^20

Reverse Osmosis Water (RO)


1,585 x 10^18

6,310 x 10^17

-0,005 x 10^20

Tap Water


1,585 x 10^17

6,310 x 10^18

0,310 x 10^20

Alkaline Water


1,000 x 10^15

1,000 x 10^21

5,000 x 10^20


Alkaline water contains significantly more oxygen than tap water, beer and other drinks. Only one pH difference means a 10-fold difference in the amount of OH- ions. This becomes extremely important in fluids inside our bodies. Blood with the pH of 7.45 has 64.9% more oxygen atoms than blood with a pH of 7.30. Reducing acidity hence means increasing the amount of available oxygen of a fluid, gas, or solid.  

More H+ ions

Less H+ ions, more OH-

= low pH (acidic)

= high pH (alkaline)

= low electron count

= higher electron count

= positive redox potential

= low redox potential


Let’s take a quick look at the growth of a tomato when watered with normal tap water in comparison to redox potential reduced water (ERW) of -300 mV:


Tap Water with Redox Potential of +268 mV

Water with reduced Redox Potential of -300 mV

Average Length



Root Length



Weight of the Plant



Healthy Tomato




When watered with optimized ERW water, the tomato grows faster, longer and larger, without changing any other factor. These experiments have been repeated many times with similar results, biological systems flourish when nurtured with ERW water since our cells fundamentally require electrons, hydrogen and oxygen to function.

What exactly is the Python Bionic hydrogen bottle? An ERW (Electrolyzed Reduced Water) device, an electrolysis unit that produces ERW water by passing water through an electrolysis chamber containing electrodes.

Here's what an The Python Bionic generator does:

1. Water Input: Water is fed into the device.

2. Electrolysis: The water passes through the electrolysis chamber, where an electric current is applied, causing water molecules (H2O) to split into:

    - Hydrogen ions (H+)

    - Hydroxide ions (OH-)

3. Reduction: At the cathode (negative electrode), hydrogen ions (H+) are reduced to form hydrogen gas (H2) and hydroxide ions (OH-):

2H+ + 2e- → H2 + 2OH-

4. Oxidation: At the anode (positive electrode), water molecules (H2O) are oxidized to form oxygen gas (O2) and hydrogen ions (H+):

2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e-

5. ERW Water Output: The resulting ERW water, rich in hydroxide ions (OH-), is collected and ready for consumption.

The PYTON Bionic bottle essentially splits water into its acidic and basic components.


Here's a detailed explanation of each benefit with chemical background and equations:

1. Antioxidant properties:

ERW water contains hydrogen atoms (H•) that neutralize harmful free radicals (R•):

R• + H• → RH (reduced form)

This reaction reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.


2. Hydration:

ERW water has a higher concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) than regular water:

H2O + H2O → H3O+ + OH-

The hydroxide ions facilitate better cellular hydration and nutrient transport.


3. pH balance:

ERW water has a higher pH level due to the increased concentration of hydroxide ions:

pH = -log[OH-]

This helps neutralize acidity in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


4. Cellular cleaning:

ERW water helps remove toxins and waste products from cells through enhanced cellular permeability:

Cell membrane + OH- → Cell membrane (permeabilized)

This allows for more efficient removal of toxins and waste products.


5. Immune system support:

ERW water may have immunomodulatory effects, supporting the immune system through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms:

R• + H• → RH (reduced form)

This reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, supporting immune function.


6. Anti-inflammatory effects:

ERW water may reduce inflammation through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms:

R• + H• → RH (reduced form)

This reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, alleviating symptoms of chronic diseases.

In 1937 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi stated in his noble price acceptance speech:

“…our body really only knowns one fuel, hydrogen. The foodstuff, carbohydrate, is essentially a packet of hydrogen, a hydrogen supplier, a hydrogen donor, and the main event during its combustion is the splitting off of hydrogen. So the combustion of hydrogen is the real energy-supplying reaction; To the elucidation of reaction (6), which seems so simple, I have devoted all my energy for the last fifteen years…”
“…So the reaction 2H + O → H2O, which seems such a simple one, breaks down into a long series of separate reactions. With each new step, with each transfer between substances, the hydrogen loses some of its energy, finally combining with oxygen in its lowest-energy compound. So each hydrogen atom is gradually oxidized in a long series of reactions, and its energy re- leased in stages. This oxidation of hydrogen in stages seems to be one of the basic principles of biological oxidation. The reason for it is probably mainly that the cell would not be able to harness and transfer to other processes the large amount of energy which would be released by direct oxidation. The cell needs small change if it is to be able to pay for its functions without losing
too much in the process. So it oxidizes the H-atom by stages, converting the large banknote into small change.”


Now, i’d like to address a few misconceptions considering optimal water for human health:


Optimal water for our health is expensive

Healthcare costs and adhering diseases resulting from malnutrition are rising daily. Water is the most essential nutrient and drinking the wrong water can be considered a chronic malnutrition, albeit it’s often not classified as such. At the end of the day, improved life quality, health, performance, cognition, and motivation is priceless. A well hydrated body looks and feels better. On a larger scale, just a 1 year extension of health span and the reduction of associated healthcare cost, bring enormous productivity gains for a society. The aging of populations has been increasing recently, and is projected to increase from 11% to 22% by 2050. The health issues of the elderly could greatly influence society and economics.

Buying a one-time-use plastic bottle which has a limitation on recyclability and eventually ends up in landfills is not sustainable, nor environmentally conscious, never mind the associated microplastic and chemical contamination to your body and the environment. Further, plastic resins such as PC, PPC and even Tritan bottles are clearly shown to have estrogenic activity, especially when exposed to UV sunlight radiation, leaching hormone like substances into the water and disrupting your internal hormonal environment. That is the case for BPA-free products, or ‘food grade’ plastics, and even for baby water bottles made from Tritan. Only a very small fraction of plastic resins show no EA activity when stressed with UV exposure. 


Filtered water is optimal for our health

A (RO) reverse osmosis system will remove chemical contaminants, metal ions, aqueous salts, including sodium, chloride, copper, chromium, and lead, but may only reduce arsenic, fluoride, radium, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrate, and phosphorous, of which some are important for us. Newly developed RO systems are better at getting bad stuff out, but they also remove essential ingredients such as magnesium and calcium. Martin Fox wrote a great book about the importance of these minerals in water: Healthy Water for a Longer life.

In a nutshell, current filtration systems are subpar and do not offer filtration for the whole spectrum of contaminants. Most importantly, they also remove ions out of water which are necessary for our health, nor can a RO system offer reduced redox potential, electron donation, or hydrogen enrichment through water splitting, which we biologically need to produce energy and neutralize acidity from our cells.


Tab water is ok

The government does have strict guidelines for water preparation facilities, which are often never met, especially in the US. For instance, in places like Flint, Michigan, and Newark, New Jersey, authorities found unsafe levels of lead in public drinking water. Additionally, Wilmington, North Carolina, faced high levels of lab-made chemicals called PFAS in their water supply1. These “forever chemicals” can pose health risks, including cancer, liver damage, and infertility. Contaminants detected in public drinking water supplies have been linked to various health issues, including cancer, thyroid conditions, and reproductive problems. They can also affect your hair, skin, and nails, the list goes on and on and based on our short analysis at the beginning of this letter, most of us are consuming tap water or repurposed, relabeled, and re-marketed tap water and are in constant contact with tab water through showers, baths etc. which poses a consistent exposure to these contaminants.


Water scarcity

About 1500L of water is flowing daily through our brain and organs and a mere 5% decline in hydration comes with severe performance degradations, immune system decline and cognitive impairments. On a global scale, dehydration will be a major limiting factor for product output in developing countries. A dehydrated, malnourished and under energized mind and body can’t function optimally, not to mention, the adherent increase in healthcare, socioeconomic cost, and political tension.

There is a lot of miss conception about this topic, even among people who are intimately involved within the water sector. I got a clear picture of this issue visiting the 2024 World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia.
Water is available in abundance on our earth and current technological progress in reverse osmosis desalination and its energy efficiency paint an image of optimism for our water future. 
Saudi Arabia for example is planning to provide most of its water needs in the upcoming future through reverse osmosis desalination plants, which are a logical steep for one of the world's arid, most water-scarce nations without permanent water resources. It is not necessarily a water scarcity issue, but an energy efficiency question. Saudi Arabia is expected to be severely water stressed by 2025 and making water drinkable in such a region, will an important effort. Because of improved desalination efficiency and the reduced cost of electricity, reverse osmosis desalination will be a source of near unlimited drinkable water in the future. From the point of electricity cost, one solar panel today can produce around 1.5 kWh of electricity. A 200km by 200km solar panel array in the desert would be able to cover the energy demand of the entire United States. Energy demand and transportation will be the only factors and both can be solved readily.


Our plan at Python will be to make water products fundamentally optimized for human health, bridging the gab between drinkable and truly healthy water.

  • Laser focus on optimizing water for health
  • Making it affordable and accessible to everyone


Purchasing a Python Bionic Generator is a direct investment into a better and healthier water future. All free cash flow will be invested into hiring talent, choosing materials, and offering products and services from the perspective of optimal water quality for human health. This is fundamentally different from water filtration alone.


Summed up: 

  1. Build a portable water optimization device
  2. Reinvest proceeds into developing revolutionary on the go water filtration and optimization products
  3. Reinvest those proceeds into building even better products and launch cellular Hydration pods placed around cities, universities, offices etc. to refuel you with ERW water
  4. While doing all of the above, choosing environmental and biological conscious materials to reduce plastic, chemical, and hormonal waste and contamination of our bodies, our waters and our nature in general


Welcome to healthier bionic water.


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